MEDICA is the world's
largest health care
industry trade show

MEDICA's education conference: where innovations merge

October 17, 2014
by Gus Iversen, Editor in Chief
As part of the festivities at this year's MEDICA convention, the trade show will continue its legacy of interdisciplinary advanced training in the form of the MEDICA Education Conference; an event geared toward medical practitioners and professionals with an interest in specialized medicine. The content of the conference will require professional expertise and is curated to scientists, doctors, medical researchers, and innovative technology developers.

This year the integrative concept, "science meets medical technology" will be at the forefront of the assembly. The new goal of strengthening and modernizing the nature of the conference will go hand-in-hand with MEDICA's longstanding ambition to bring forward advancements in diagnostics and therapy in the treatment arena.

Each day, the conference will focus on a different aspect of the "science meets medical technology" theme, while also addressing numerous issues of conservative and operative medicine.

The first day, "Infection and Inflammation," will take a wide-angle look at the basic principles of pathogenesis and treatment. It will explore concepts well beyond infectious disease, moving into the realm of inflammatory causes of illness, such as metabolic disorders and tumors.

The second day will deal with "Telemedicine and Robotics," and the ways technology can make treatment quicker, better, and more cost effective. The conference will also include demonstrations of the latest robotic innovations.

"Gastrointestinal Oncology" will be the topic on day three, a field in which molecular pathological findings and new biomarkers have triggered enormous progress in recent years.

The fourth day will address "Interventional Medicine," a field in which varied procedures represent constructive and scientific impact on the technology industry. It will demonstrate the latest technological innovations available to medical applications while also exploring the stimulus tech receives from research, hospitals, and private practices to develop those innovations.

The German Society for Internal Medicine and the Mese Dusseldorf GmbH have re-designed the conference in much the way industry leaders are trying to redesign health care at large. Specifically, the MEDICA Education Conference has been streamlined to make it more effective, more meaningful to participants, and more all-inclusive. In the interest of appealing to a larger pool of MEDICA attendees, the Education Conference will feature several international keynote speakers.

The organizers hope to link theory and practice in a way that will resonate meaningfully with an audience of experts.